Links and Code from 10 Awesome Xamarin.Forms Tips and Tricks

This blog post contains the links from my Xamarin talk on Xamarin.Forms tips and tricks. The original slides can be found here. Many of these tips and tricks require full blog posts and I’ll be writing them over the next few weeks. For now it’s just the links to the code.

Here are the links

3rd Party FastCell Solution

This is a 3rd party FastCell implementation, I used it before and found it to work quite well.

TaskCompletionSource Blog Post 

Bindable Property Template

Add some Xamarin.Forms to your MvvmCross app

Converting a Xamarin.Forms view into a Native View

AsyncHelper RunSync

These are just the links so keep an eye on the blog for more blogs and maybe even some training videos.

If you need any help using Xamarin or want to develop a mobile apps please feel free to contact me anytime.




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